Caring for your Keurig
Please note: If you have a brewer that is plumbed into your water line and is under contract with Suburban, contact us to make an appointment for de-scaling.You should clean your Keurig regularly to make sure it stays in good working condition. If your machine tells you that "descaling" is needed, follow the instructions below.
You Will Need:
undiluted white vinegar
a large ceramic mug or similar container (do not use a paper cup)
access to an empty sink and fresh water
Empty any remaining water from your brewer's Water Reservoir.
If you have a B150 or B155 series brewer, be sure to disable all "Auto Off" features on your brewer. You will need to leave your brewer on for part of the de-scaling process.
Fill and Clean
Fill your brewer's Water Reservoir with the white undistilled vinegar.
Place your large ceramic mug or container on the Drip Tray Plate.
Run a brew cycle. DO NOT use a k-cup.
Repeat the brew process until "ADD WATER" is indicated.
Let the Brewer stand for 4 hours. Do not turn it off.
After 4 hours, discard vinegar and rinse the Water Reservoir thoroughly with water.
Fill the Water Reservoir with fresh water.
Place a large mug on the Drip Tray Plate and do a water brew cycle.
Repeat the water brew cycle until "ADD WATER" is indicated. Be sure to empty the mug in the sink between each cycle.
If there is any residual taste from the vinegar, do a few more water brew cycles.
If "DE-SCALE" is still displayed on the screen, repeat the de-scaling process.